
Website Code School of Analytics

Learn Digitally

 Job Description:

  • Run the day-to-day operation of the agreed number of YouTube channels.
  • Proactively use YouTube optimization and curation tools to create compelling brand experiences.
  • Write copy relating to the videos programmed for the channels to either appear on the site or for use in promotion elsewhere.
  • Devise and deploy optimal written metadata including titles and tags.
  • Carefully analyze the trending pattern of certain videos in certain categories in order to get a glimpse of what people specifically want from the respective channels.
  • Day to Day learning and revision of ML algorithms used in YouTube for promotional purposes.
  • Consistent in delivering the respective experience expected of the corporation in a professional manner.
  • Oversee the overall look and design of the channels and any other relevant visual metadata such as thumbnails.
  • Respond to comments and messages posted on the sites, where appropriate and in line with Standards guidelines.
  • Teach students about the dimensions of YouTube from basic to advanced level.
  • Facilitate a dynamic and collaborative classroom community.
  • Inspire students to persevere through the challenges of learning a new suite of skill
  • Follow the guideline and schedule of the course given by the management team and also contributes in changings of guideline with personal experience.
  • should be punctual on the time slots assigned by management after proper coordination regarding availability.
  • should be punctual on the time slots assigned by management after proper coordination regarding availability.
  • Assign regular tasks to students.

 Qualification and Research:

  • At least 3 years of job experience in the respective domain.
  • Basic understanding of the production process of television / video.
  • Have a proven understanding of the current global digital landscape outside of YouTube, including relevant online locations for popular video sharing sites and popular social networks.
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills.
  • Familiarity with the Whitesheet and recommendation based ML Algorithms of YouTube.

To apply for this job email your details to hr@codeschoolofanalytics.com

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